Friday, February 29, 2008
މިލަދޫގައި ބަނދަރު ހެދުމަށް ގޮސް ތިބި އެމްޓީސީސީ މީހުން ގެއިން ނެރެލައި ރަށުން ފުރުމަށް ރައްޔިތުންގެ ބަޔަކު އިންޒާރުދީފި
އެމްޓީސީސީގެ މެނޭޖަރު އާދަމް ޒަކީ ބުރާސްފަތި ދުވަހު ވިދާޅުވި ގޮތުގައި...
...އިތުރު ތަފްސީލް
ނ. އަތޮޅު މަދަރުސާގެ އަހަރީ ދުވަސް ފާހަގަ ކުރުމުގެ ތެރެއިން
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
ލަންދޫ ޒުވާނުންގެ ޖަމުއިއްޔާ ސެމީ ފައިނަލަށް
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Youth Expedition 2008 visited Noonu Manadhoo
Youth Ship on arrival at Manadhoo was welcomed by Atoll Chief, Senior Officials of the Atoll office and Island office and government staffs from all the government bodies and club members as well as by youth of Manadhoo.
In the welcome event, bouquet was given to all the participants of the Youth Ship and all participants signed the plywood that was prepared for signing by all youth ship participants.
After the signing, a refreshment was given to the participants and a welcome entertainment of two items was held on behalf of Manadhoo youth.
Afterwards, the youth ship participants held meeting with Manadhoo youth and later on they presented a stage show at the night.
Youth Ship left from Manadhoo at 5.00am.
The youth expedition program is being held under this year’s theme “Youth on youth development” says Youth Ministry. Youth Ministry also revealed that objective of the expedition is to instill the spirit of cooperation and responsibility among the youths of Maldives by visiting various islands and experiencing Maldivian culture as well as sharing common experiences.
Youth Ministry also revealed that Youth Ship unlike last year will stop at 38 islands including capitals of atolls.
According to Youth Ministry the expedition will end its journey on the 1 of March this year. Youth expedition is expected to end its journey in Dhagethee of Ari Atoll where the official youth day celebrations will be held.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
ޒުވާނުންނާއި ބައްދަލު ކުރައްވަން ކަތީބް ފޫހިވެލައްވަނީ!
ޙަގީގަތުގަވެސް މަނަދޫގެ ޒުވާނުންނަށް އަމާޒުކޮށްގެން ޒުވާނުންގެ ކުރިއެރުމަށާއި ޒުވާނުންގެ ތަރައްޤީއަށް މަނަދޫގެ ވެރިން އެއްވެސް މަސައްކަތެއް ކޮށްފައިވާ ކަމެއް ފެންނާކަށްނެތެވެ.ޒުވާނުންނަށް އަމަޒުކޮށްގެން އެއްވެސް ކަހަލަ ޕްރޮގްރާމެއް ހިންގިފައެއްނެތެވެ.ސަރުކާރުގެ މަތީ މުއައްސަސާއަކުން މަޖުބޫރު ކުރުމުން ނޫނީ މަނަދޫގެ ވެރިން މަނަދޫގެ ޒުވާނުންނަށް އެއްވެސް ކަމެއް މިހާތަނަށް ކޮށްދިފައެއްނުވެއެވެ.
ޒުވާނުންނާއި ބައްދަލުކުރަށްވައިގެ ބޮޑުކަތީބު ނިދިކުރެއްވުން ހެއްކަކަށް ފުދޭނެއެވެ.
ޒުވާނުންގެ ނައުދަތުރު މިލަދުންމަޑުލު ދެކުނުބުރީ މަނަދޫއަށް
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Regular Speed Boat Trips to Manadhoo
Monday, February 18, 2008
PA takes application forms for registration of party
To confirm the story Miadhu contacted one of the Vice president’s of the PA as well as MP for Ga. Atoll Abdulla Jabir. He confirmed that necessary forms were taken yesterday.
“It’s true, we have taken the forms yesterday, very soon we will finalize a name for the party and complete other formalities” said Jabir. The formation of PA’s party is led by Abdulla Yamin, Jabir, Ahmed Nazim and Jausa Jaufar.
PA's change to a full fledge political party was first announced by Association’s Leader Abdulla Yamin in October last year.
Speaking to Miadhu Daily in an interview given last year, Yamin, one of the most influential politicians in the country who was instrumental in founding PA, said that members of the association have long wanted PA to become a full fledged political party. Yamin said the change was necessitated due to the growing interest of members.
PA came into existence because of the aspirations of the founders of the association to serve the nation and people and raise their living standards. Faster economic development and distribution of the wealth of the country on sound policies are major objectives of PA.
Yamin elaborated reasons of PA members for this move saying that it will facilitate to become more active in their work and play a leading role in Maldivian politics and democratic reform. It will also be necessary for members to carry out their activities meet people and contest in Majlis elections. Though PA is an association now, it has many members and supporters enjoying support of a lot of people. Analysts believe that PA would become one of the most powerful parties when registered as a political party. They also feel PA has with it many capable people.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
ދުވަސްވީ މުވައްޒަފުން : ވަޒީފާ އިން މުސްކުޅިކުރުމުގެ ފިކުރުގައި
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Narudama nizam thakethin 'Aslam' ge hadan fattaifi
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
ކަންނެލި މަސްވެރިކަން ކުރާ 80 ފޫޓްގެ ދޯނި ބާލައިފި
މާރކް ކޮންސްޓްރަކުސަންގެ ފަރާތުން މަނަދޫއަށް އައިސްހުރި އެކުންފުނީގެ ސްޕަވައިޒަރެއްގެ ގައިގާ ތަޅައިގެންފި
ނަރުދަމާ ނިޒާމް ޤާއިމް ކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ހަދަމުން ގެންދާ ޑުރައިންބެޑްގެ އަމަލީ މަސައްކަތް ކުރަމުންގެންދާ މާރކް ކޮންސްޓްރަކުސަންގެ ފަރާތުން މަނަދޫއަށް އައިސްހުރި އެކުންފުނީގެ ސްޕަވައިޒަރެއްގެ ގައިގާ ތަޅައިގެންފިއެވެ. މިދިޔަ ހޯމަ ދުވަހުގެ ރޭ މިރަށު ހަވޭލި ހަދީޖާ (ކަޅު ހައްޖަ) ގެ ފިރިމީހާ ކުދިމަސް މާޖިދު މިރަށު ހިތްފަސޭހަގޭ އަބުދުލް ރަޝީދު (ބެޔާ) އާއި ރެޑްރޯސް ރާޝިދު އަބުދުއްރަހުމާން (ރައުޓީ) އާއި ދެމީހުން ގޮވައިގެން ގޮސް ސްޕަވައިޒަރަށް ހަމަލާދީ ވަރަށް ހަރުކަށި އިންޒާރުތައް ދީފައިވެއެވެ. ނަމަވެސް މާބޮޑު އަނިޔާތަކެއް ނުވެ ސްޕްވައިޒަރ ވަނީ ސަލާމަތް ވެފައެވެ. މި މާރާމާރީ ހިންގަން މެދުވެރިވި ސަބަބެއްކަމަށް ބެލެވެނީ މާޖިދުގެ އަނބިމީހާ މިދެންނެވި ސްޕަވައިޒަރ އާއި ހިތާވެގެން ލޯބީގެ ގުޅުންތައް ހިންގާ އަދި އެވަރުން ނުވެގެން ގެއަށް ގެންގޮސް މޯބައިލް ފޯން ފަދަ އަގުބޮޑަތި އެއްޗެތި ހައްޖައަށް ހޯދާދޭތީއެވެ.