Wednesday, April 2, 2008

MTDC signs agreement to develop N. Ekulhivaru Resort

Maldives Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) has revealed that the corporation owns 20 % share in the resort to be developed in Ekulhivaru Island of Noonu Atoll.

Managing Director of MTDC Mohamed Solih speaking to Miadhu Daily said that MTDC owns 20 % share in the 180 bed resort to be developed in Ekulhivaru Island of Noonu Atoll.

MD Solih revealed that the 180 bed resort to be developed by 2010 will be marketed as high end resort. “This is going to be 180 bed resort hotel and will be completed by the end of year 2010, the resort is going to be high end resort catering to the very rich, it is going to be one of the best resort hotel in the Maldives” said Mr. Solih.

Mr. Solih said that the resort is being developed by Ritz Carlton Group one of the best in the business, ranked among the top 4 in the world. Mr. Solih said resort is a US$ 115 Million investment.


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